Galaxy Watch 4 Can Actually Help People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Based on the report, the Galaxy Watch 4 could become an important tool for accurate measurement of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) shows a study conducted by  Samsung Medical Center and Samsung Electronics. The study was published by National Sleep Foundation medical journal “Sleep Health,” monitored 97 adults with sleep distburances and concluded that the Galaxy Watch 4 could potentially help overcome the high cost associated with the traditional tools that are used for measurement. The Galaxy Watch 4 is equipped with a reflectance pulse oximeter module that stays in touch with the skin of the wearer when they are wearing the watch. The SpO2 sensor also brings eight photodiodes that manage to sense the reflected light and captures PPG signals at a sampling frequency of 25Hz. Aside from the technical specifications, the study had researchers take simultaneous measurements of a lot of adults suffering from sleep disturbances, using the Galaxy Watch 4 along with a traditional medical system for comparison. The researchers also discovered that the readings captured with the Samsung smartwatch and the traditional medical device simultaneously were aligned, and it proved that the Galaxy Watch 4 can actually take accurate measurements of oxygen saturation during sleep. This could help the Galaxy Watch 4 customer along with the future smartwatches cut down on medical bills as well as all the costs associated with in-hospital procedures. For those who do not know, Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder and an estimated of 38% adults actually suffer from this disorder. Up to 50% of men and 25% women in the middle-age populace actually face severe to moderate OSA. Samsung smartwatches are apparently getting better health devices with every generation. THe company is actually developing a new smartwatch that is equipped with the body temperature sensor, however, the technology might be a bit early to actually be used as a full-fledged monitoring device.

Study Shows That the Galaxy Watch 4 SpO2 Sensor is Comparable to Medical Tools - 63Study Shows That the Galaxy Watch 4 SpO2 Sensor is Comparable to Medical Tools - 17Study Shows That the Galaxy Watch 4 SpO2 Sensor is Comparable to Medical Tools - 11Study Shows That the Galaxy Watch 4 SpO2 Sensor is Comparable to Medical Tools - 91