As for what we can expect from future Steam Deck hardware, Gabe doesn’t expect prices for individual SKUs to go up, even if demand remains high, but new higher-end models may be made available. Valve was surprised to discover that the Steam Deck’s top end $650 SKU was easily its most popular, indicating to them that players are looking for Decks packed with more stuff… Haven’t been keeping up with the Steam Deck? Wccftech’s Kai Powell found the platform promising, if still early in its evolution in some ways, in his full review… The first Steam Deck units should be shipping today. From there, Valve will ship units to those who pre-ordered on a first come, first served basis.

Steam Deck to Get Regular New Models  Valve Looking at More High End Offerings - 44Steam Deck to Get Regular New Models  Valve Looking at More High End Offerings - 7Steam Deck to Get Regular New Models  Valve Looking at More High End Offerings - 10Steam Deck to Get Regular New Models  Valve Looking at More High End Offerings - 36Steam Deck to Get Regular New Models  Valve Looking at More High End Offerings - 92Steam Deck to Get Regular New Models  Valve Looking at More High End Offerings - 27