It’s not the first time this year Matsuda expressed the idea. In early 2022, the Square Enix president said the premise of a token economy could enable self-sustaining game growth and more game-changing UGC. It seems like the Square Enix president wasn’t at all fazed by the massive backlash received by other blockchain related gaming projects such as Ubisoft’s Quartz and GSC Game World’s STALKER Metaverse. In other NFT gaming news, Activision Blizzard recently sent out a survey gauging consumer interest in the technology, though Blizzard president Mike Ybarra denied any NFT implementation coming up. However, with advances in token economies, users will be provided with explicit incentives, thereby resulting not only in greater consistency in their motivation, but also creating a tangible upside to their creative efforts. I believe that this will lead to more people devoting themselves to such efforts and to greater possibilities of games growing in exciting ways. From having fun to earning to contributing, a wide variety of motivations will inspire people to engage with games and connect with one another. It is blockchain-based tokens that will enable this. By designing viable token economies into our games, we will enable self-sustaining game growth.

Square Enix President Reiterates Importance of Blockchain to Incentivize User Generated Content Creation in Games - 22Square Enix President Reiterates Importance of Blockchain to Incentivize User Generated Content Creation in Games - 12Square Enix President Reiterates Importance of Blockchain to Incentivize User Generated Content Creation in Games - 54Square Enix President Reiterates Importance of Blockchain to Incentivize User Generated Content Creation in Games - 39Square Enix President Reiterates Importance of Blockchain to Incentivize User Generated Content Creation in Games - 49