Rescale reveals sustainable computing, offering a net-zero carbon footprint with the new “Responsible Compute” data center in Iceland

Data center computing yields two percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally, compared with the airline industry, and is anticipated to surpass three percent by 2025. In engineering and science, one researcher’s carbon footprint for computing can exceed that for all combined work activities, including travel. Guiding associations are vigorously examining ways to enhance their carbon footprint stance. Responsible Compute is a collaborative venture by Nordic IT solutions provider Origo and the Borealis Data Center. Responsible Compute delivers carbon-free solutions, market-leading emissions reporting, and a world-class implementation. The experience provides HPC infrastructure in the Borealis Data Center in northern Iceland, running on 100% renewable energy and environmentally friendly free cooling. — Kristjan Hafsteinsson, Managing Director, Responsible Compute. Rescale is dedicated to sustainability with its corporate mission to increase innovation through computational engineering and science. Rescale’s intelligent automation allows engineers to benefit from the latest advances in chip technologies and interconnects a catalog of over one-thousand pre-integrated HPC applications for users running the most challenging workloads on-premises and on leading public clouds. — Joris Poort, CEO and Founder, Rescale.

Rescale Announces Sustainable Computing for Net Zero Carbon Footprint With New  Responsible Compute  Data Center Initiative in Iceland - 71Rescale Announces Sustainable Computing for Net Zero Carbon Footprint With New  Responsible Compute  Data Center Initiative in Iceland - 58Rescale Announces Sustainable Computing for Net Zero Carbon Footprint With New  Responsible Compute  Data Center Initiative in Iceland - 31Rescale Announces Sustainable Computing for Net Zero Carbon Footprint With New  Responsible Compute  Data Center Initiative in Iceland - 21