Thankfully, no credit card information has been compromised, but the hackers have managed to compromise the system and data, including email addresses, user names, and encrypted passwords.

Plex Breach Leaks User Email Addresses and More Information. No Credit Card Information was Stolen

Here is the email that has been circulating around. This means that the good news is that the passwords should be safe since Plex never goes for simple, plain text passwords. However, it is still advised that you should go for a stronger password and when you are changing the password, make sure that you check the option where it lets you log out of all the other connected devices. Needless to say, the breach was an unfortunate instance, but I do appreciate the fact that Plex was swift about the situation and managed to inform the users just in time. It is also worth noting that at the time of writing, there is no word on any serious damage.

Plex Goes Through a Data Breach  Users Suggested to Change Their Password - 30Plex Goes Through a Data Breach  Users Suggested to Change Their Password - 53Plex Goes Through a Data Breach  Users Suggested to Change Their Password - 67Plex Goes Through a Data Breach  Users Suggested to Change Their Password - 35Plex Goes Through a Data Breach  Users Suggested to Change Their Password - 84