GPU Market Saw A 19% Decline In Q1 2022 But AMD & NVIDIA Managed To Gain Market Share

Recent global events have been highlighted as the main cause of the market slipping down by 6.2% versus the previous quarter (Q4 2022) while we saw an overall decline of 19% year over year. This is lower than the annual growth rate of 6.3% which is predicted between 2022 and 2026 to reach an installed base of 3.3 million units while the penetration of discrete graphics is expected to hit 46%. Coming to the vendor breakdown, NVIDIA saw the biggest market share increase of 1.69% and now stands at 21% while AMD’s market share increased 0.7%, hitting 19% total GPU share. Intel’s GPUs saw a decline of -2.4% and currently stand at 60% market share. The reason for Intel’s GPU market share still being so high is because all of their CPUs with iGPUs are accounted for in the report. The overall shipments for NVIDIA increased by 3.2% while AMD and Intel saw a decline of -6.2% and -1.5 percent, respectively. The discrete GPU market share is a different story where NVIDIA retained 78% market share from the previous quarter, AMD declined -by 1% to 17%, & Intel saw a -1% decline down to 4%. Do note that Intel’s Arc GPUs were introduced at the tail end of Q1 2022 so they have yet to amount to any significant market share yet. The GPUs are also limited to certain markets at the moment so they won’t be amounting to any significant market share till the end of 2022. Quick highlights

The GPU’s overall attach rate (which includes integrated and discrete GPUs, desktops, notebooks, and workstations) to PCs for the quarter was 129%, up 5.0% from last quarter. The overall PC CPU market decreased by -10.8% quarter-to-quarter and decreased by -26.2% year-to-year. Desktop graphics add-in boards (AIBs that use discrete GPUs) increased by 1.4% from the last quarter. This quarter saw a 16.5% drop in tablet shipments from last quarter.

We also have more data coming in from Tech Analyst, Mike Bruzzone (Camp Marketing) who has reported a discrete GPU share of 80.67% for NVIDIA and 19.43% for AMD. According to the new statistics (1st week of 2022), NVIDIA’s Ampere GPUs amount to 84.87% market share while AMD’s RDNA 2 GPUs amount to 15.23% market share. For the AMD GPU market share, the breakdown is as follows: For the NVIDIA GPU market share, the breakdown is as follows: Back 2 generation N6x, N5x % by product category week of 5.28.22 only; Commercial (DC) = 0.37% includes V340 and Instinct listed below Workstation = 2.46% Desktop = 86.21% Mobile = 10.96% With the prices dropping and graphics card vendors picking up their marketing game for the gaming segment, we can expect GPU shipments to increase in the second half of 2022. Both NVIDIA & AMD are also expected to launch their next-generation lineup later this year which will also push shipments further up. Back 2 generation % by product category week of 5.28.22; Commercial (DC) = 0.18% Workstation = 3.12% desktop + 3.12% laptop = 6.23% total Desktop = 68.45% Consumer Mobile = 25.13%

NVIDIA   AMD Gain GPU Market Share While Overall Shipments Decrease By 19  In Q1 2022  Intel s Arc Still Missing  - 91NVIDIA   AMD Gain GPU Market Share While Overall Shipments Decrease By 19  In Q1 2022  Intel s Arc Still Missing  - 31NVIDIA   AMD Gain GPU Market Share While Overall Shipments Decrease By 19  In Q1 2022  Intel s Arc Still Missing  - 67NVIDIA   AMD Gain GPU Market Share While Overall Shipments Decrease By 19  In Q1 2022  Intel s Arc Still Missing  - 18NVIDIA   AMD Gain GPU Market Share While Overall Shipments Decrease By 19  In Q1 2022  Intel s Arc Still Missing  - 36