Following a previous tease, the remake of the cult game originally created by Suda51’s Grasshopper Manufacture has been confirmed today by Yoshimi Yasuda, executive producer of the original game, as reported by Frontline Gaming. The development team includes Yasuda-san himself as producer and a combination of staff that worked on the original and new staff from Dragami Games. In a new message that has been shared online today, Yoshimi Yasuda talked about how the Lollipop Chainsaw remake came to be, and why. As the original is not playable on current consoles, the original development staff did not want to leave it in a limbo, and so purchased the IP from Kadokawa Games to develop a remake. While it will be faithful to the original, there will be elements in the Lollipop Chainsaw remake that will be different. Among these will be the soundtrack, which will only feature a few of the 16 licensed tracks of the original. Visuals will also be a little more realistic. Lollipop Chainsaw Remake launches sometime in 2023 on yet-to-be-confirmed platforms.

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